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Sunday, 18 July 2010

 By Dennis Shaun Bowman



Gordon: Well this has been another interesting night, to say the least. It differs from from last night, no Robberies, however, we did make it trough the night, without any casualties. Although the Mayor is missing.... You wouldn't know anything about that, now would you?

Batman: That's news to me.... I dont know anything about his sudden disappearance.

Gordon: I wish I could believe that. But with you being spotted last night, Garcia missing, and you being apprehended as we attempt to interview, one of the most insane men alive. Everything points to you!

Batman: Look ive been here.... I have the mark's to show it!

Gordon: That's another thing... fighting the law???? Sorry but that makes you look even more guilty!

Batman: I just wanted to make sure no one was going to try and break out Joker.


Gordon's phone ring's.

Gordon: Yes we are on our way to holding,although, we caught Batman tonight. Unfortunantaly, the Mayor is now missing. This all become one big mess. Well, Dont wait up for me.

Gordon hang's up the phone.

Batman: Ok so.... Think aboutt this.....Why would I have anything to do with the store or warehouse, then come to the Prison, it just doesnt make sense....

Gordon: Maybe you used them as some type of Marage??? Maybe because you had already moved everything out.... Maybe your going to use the Mayor the same way.....

Batman: LOOK! I dont know what your talking about! Believe me!

Gordon: I truly wish I could believe that..... But you were spotted, there.....Here..... I just cant take your word this time.... Your holding, until we figure out what to do with you.

Batman: I cant believe you! It's not me, but this is just the tip of the Ice berg! Thing's will just get wor....

Gordon:Be careful what you say.... Because, remember your in custody and Right now, your only coming across as threatening! Everything you say can and will be used in a court of law.

Copyright Dennis Shaun Bowman 2010

Posted by bowminater at 4:10 AM EDT
Updated: Monday, 19 July 2010 9:10 AM EDT
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